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MEC Meeting - November 2024

Nov 13, 2024 MEC Monthly Zoom called to order at 1224PM EST


  1. Approval of Oct 14 and Oct 18 minutes 

    1. Approved unanimously

  2. Emergency notification protocol - so everyone is aware of what is happening and what roles they play in an emergency and how notifications will take place, email already sent with protocol. -EM

    1. Action Item Follow Up: Unanimously agreed to table this until our in person MEC Meeting in January. 

  3. Revisit Grievance Chair Committee Co-Chair that was supposed to be decided in Oct

    1. Action Item Follow Up: Oscar motions to table this until the In Person MEC Meeting in January. Council 49 Seconds. Passed unanimously.

  4. Communication Co-Chair follow up

  5. Adding Chairs to MEC Calendar - BH

    1. Action Item Follow Up: Withdrawn by BH As it is already done.

  6. Grievance Procedures- add 3 lines- All mediation decisions should be given to the local within 7 days after meditation. Any acceptance or denials of settlement shall be communicated to the local. The Local will be CCed in any emails to the grievant, for a line of sight.- OO

    1. Action Item Follow Up: Withdrawn by OO. We will go over procedures when we review everything as a group on the grievance call meeting.

  7. New LEC49 Benefits Committee- BH

    1. Action Item Follow Up: Atlanta is implementing a new Benefits Committee Chair to field questions about FMLA, OJI, Maternity, etc - the Atlanta LEC Chair is Wanda Parnell and she is about to begin creating the role. As soon as the document is created, it will be shared with the MEC as a resource. 

  8. Should we redo the Eline Banners? - BH

    1. Action Item Follow Up: The MEC is open to a refresh. Billy will send the MEC some examples to consider before going forward and making a decision on how we want to proceed and then the MEC can give guidance. Examples will be sent by December 1st, 2024 but first Billy will get with Austin to determine what the new website colors will be. The MEC will send Billy example ideas. 

  9. MEC Sec/Treas discussion and vote

    1. Action Item Follow Up:

      1. Daphne Lee 46

      2. Beth Wendroth 45, 48, 49

    2. Beth Wendroth is the MEC Secretary-Treasurer 

  10. MECP discussion and vote

    1. Action Item Follow Up: Council 46 Motions for Elizabeth Mullins to become MEC President. Council 49 Seconds.

    2. Elizabeth Mullins is unanimously voted in as MEC President. 

  11. Joint letter to Training regarding the LMS Modules - BH

    1. Action Item Follow Up: Tabled until December MEC Zoom