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Master Executive Council

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What is The Master Executive Council?
All Local Executive Councils within an airline form the Master Executive Council (MEC).  The MEC is responsible for coordinating the activities of AFA across an entire airline. Each LEC President sits on the MEC as the voting member for the members of the Local Council that they represent.

The LEC Presidents elect three officers to lead the MEC: a President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer.  These MEC Officers serve a three year term when elected.  They do not carry a vote on the MEC with the exception of the MEC President, who votes only to break a tie.

How the MEC Operates


The MEC generally holds regular MEC meetings once per month to conduct the business of AFA at Endeavor Air.  Meetings are usually held via ZOOM call.  If you have any questions, concerns, or items of business you would like brought before the MEC, please contact your LEC President.

Policy and Procedure

View the AFA Constitution and By Laws

Download the Endeavor AFA Master Executive Council Policy Handbook

Ultimately, AFA is governed by the AFA Constitution and Bylaws as adopted by the AFA Board of Directors.  The MEC has adopted a policy and procedure manual to address matters of business that the AFA Constitution and Bylaws does not.  The policy and procedure manual can be amended by majority vote of the voting members of the MEC as needed.


AFA Structure Diagram MEC


MEC Banner



Elizabeth Mullins - MEC President
[email protected]

Took Office: November 13, 2023
Term Expires: December 31, 2025

Postions Held:

MEC President
AFA Board of Directors Member (Ex Officio)
LEC 49-Vice President

Elizabeth started her career as a Flight Attendant in 2008 with Mesaba Airlines and merged into Pinnacle Airlines which became Endeavor Air.  Initially based in Memphis, she also spent time in DTW and 10 years in LGA, and is currently based in Atlanta. Elizabeth first became involved in AFA work when she was based in Memphis, serving on many committees including Air Safety, Health and Security. She became MEC Chair for ASHS over 10 years ago and was presented an award in 2021 by AFA for her work in Safety. 

Elizabeth has over 25 years of union experience with 14 of those years with AFA. 

Prior to her career as a Flight Attendant she was a Memphis Police Officer.

On November 13, 2024 she was elected to serve as MECP for the remaining of the term ending December 31, 2025, she previously served as MECVP in 2023-2024 and in 2022 served as MEC Secretary-Treasurer. In February 2023 she was elected by members of Council 49 to serve as LECVP.

Elizabeth currently resides in Orlando and works 2 days a week at Disney World and participates in Disney 5k events and spends days wandering around the parks. 

Elizabeth has two daughters, Amanda and Taylor,  who both still reside in Memphis. Elizabeth spends time when she can in Memphis visiting with her family and to watch her Tigers play football. 


beth wendroth

Beth Wendroth - MEC Secretary/Treasurer
[email protected]

Took Office: November 13, 2024
Term Expires: December 31, 2025

Postions Held:

MEC Secretary/Treasurer
ASAP/Fatigue Review Board Primary
LEC 48 ASHS Chair

Beth stared her career as a flight attendant in 2000 with Mesaba Airlines, then merging with Pinnacle/Colgan.  Based in MSP, Beth started her union duties as first a grievance/info rep, adding on as PBS assistant when system was first initiated.  Then onto ASHS MEC Chair until Elizabeth Mullins took around in 2012.   At which time the ASAP program as Endeavor Air  was implemented for all our flight attendants, and became the Primary ERC Representative on behalf of AFA.  Included in that  is Fatigue Review Board.  

Prior to this career Beth has operated her small business since 1988.

Beth currently resides in west central Minnesota.  In her spare time given the chance you will find her outside growing all sorts of things or on the water/ice with a fishing pole.